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Creation Day 1 (Part I.)

Water & Matter

        (Genesis 1:1-5.)

           Lots of Water:

            It would make sense that God water would be one of the first things he would make because all life     relies on water to live! Our bodies are 60% water! Animals and plants cannot live without water; even the     ground needs water to stay saturated or it cracks very badly!

            Today, as much as *75% of earth is covered by water: *Over 331 million cubic miles! *If all of Earth’s     water was poured on the contiguous United States, it would cover the land to a depth of about 107 miles!

            When God created water, it was even more than we have on earth today, because he divided the waters from the earth with waters above the earth which we will talk about later!



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     God’s Spirit Moves on The Water: 

           Imagine all seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams (as well as all the water under the ground where we get well water) all in one huge body of water! Just depths of dark dark water. Darkness was upon the face of the deep. And how deep the water must have been! It sounds dark, deep, and cold. Even silent.

            The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. God must like water a lot. Remember when he walked on water to go to his disciples when Jesus came to earth? In the middle of the night, the disciples saw him coming toward them walking on the water and they thought he looked like a spirit or ghost! This must have been what it looked like on creation day.

            On this day, God made matter, the waters in one place, God made light, and divided it from darkness.

            Atoms: Building blocks of matter:

         God created atoms on day 1 as well! Atoms make up all the matter that we see in the universe we teach in Biology 1.1!

This is where H20 comes from for water! One molecule of water is made of three atoms! Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

        God made protons and electrons when he made water! Because 1 molecule of water has a total of 10 protons and 10 electrons (8 from the oxygen atom and 1 from each of the 2 hydrogen atoms)

        Water did not come from hydrogen atoms from the “big bang” (see Astronomy 1.1) that later cozied up to oxygen atoms on their own and made their own water. (That’s what they tell you!) In fact if these atoms joined together it would cause an explosion: Not water at all! Scientists have tried to solve world thirst by putting 2 hydrogen atoms together and 1 oxygen atom to make water and they can’t even do it in their own power! It is incredible that they are teaching water created itself, when man cannot create water in a laboratory by putting the right ingredients together already found in nature! Truly, water is a miracle!

        Evolutionists will even tell you that life started out in a primordial ocean and how rain fell on rocks for millions of years to make it soup-like before the first organism formed out of non-living matter.

        They know that water was one of the main things needed, but they were wrong about us coming from a watery soup. God created the waters. And we must trust God to tell us the truth. We know God is telling us truth and many times scientists tell us lies because they do not want us to believe in God!

             Since the story starts out with deep waters, it is amazing that water is what keeps everything alive because Jesus said he is Living water!

            In John chapter 4, Jesus tells a Samaritan woman at the well that whoever drinks of the water of life would never thirst again! In this way, He was saying we cannot live forever without Him! He is our eternal Living Water and tells her that she would never thirst again if she drank from the Water of Salvation. We cannot live forever without Jesus! For He gives eternal life!

           In the next lesson, we talk about when God also created light the same day, and it is so neat because also, Jesus said he is the             Light of the world and that whoever sat in darkness could have the light of life!

            The reason we believe God likens himself to those things are because without water nothing would live, and without light we could not see anything. With Jesus we can both live forever and we can make out where we should go in life, what is right and wrong, and how to help others. Imagine where we would be without water or sight! We conclude that water and Light both stand for the Life that God gives us through his Son!


• https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/Water/page1.php

• https://www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/how-much-water-there-earth?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects

• https://theconversation.com/curious-kids-how-was-the-ocean-formed-where-did-all-the-water-come-from-98382


• https://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/water/popup/flash_molecules.htm

• https://answersingenesis.org/kids/bible-questions/does-genesis-12-presume-there-was-water-at-creation/

• https://www.icr.org/earths-water/


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