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    Can people be sincerely mistaken that they are saved?

    Yes absolutely!

    People who mean well can easily be wrong about the plan of salvation so I share this and wanted to share here and ask you: Are you 100% sure you followed Christ's conviction to salvation His way?

    Here are the Scriptures to help us understand exactly how to be saved!

    First, Matthew 7:21-23 is a testimony that MANY in THAT day (future judgment day after death)

will tell God all they did for him in sincerity, and he will say to them to depart from his presence; that he never knew them!

    This is largely because of the wrong perception of what salvation is either due to bad teaching, or misrepresented scripture from other religions or other good-meaning but mistaken individuals. We do know Jesus never turns his own away! (John 6:37/John 10:28)

    I tell people salvation is like a good recipe.

        We have to do what the Book says and not add or leave anything out of what God says.

1. We must Believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.

(I Corinthians. 15:1-4/ Romans 1:16/ 10:9-10/1 John 5:10-11)

2. We must Believe by faith and trust God at his Word that Jesus is God and the only way!

(Hebrews 11:6 /Ephesians 2:8-9/John 3:16)(Acts 4:12/John 14:6)

3. Realize our sinful condition

(Romans 5:12/ 3:23)

4. Realize salvation was 100% paid for by Jesus! and not by any works we can do to earn salvation, and that salvation is a free gift

(Hebrews 10:10-18/Ephesians 2:8-9/ Romans 3:23-25/ 5:15-18/Titus 2:5)

5. Repentful heart, have a sorrowful or resentful spirit of our sin condition to the point it changes our mind and heart's direction to the point we are willing to admit wrong, and realizing we need forgiveness and see our NEED for Christ to change us, (not stop sinning or changing our own ways)

(Luke 13:3/18:13/Acts 17:30/ II Peter 3:9)

       Many times, people say a prayer and believe but were never sorrowful of heart that the sin problem needed healing. (A "my bad dude" attitude)

    When there is no true regret or sorrow to the point that it changes their mind about their condition and desire God's forgiveness, just simply saying one believes in Jesus, is not repenting -if that makes sense-.

    And living a beat up sorrowful sad attitude in life, (worldly sorrow) (II Corinthians 7:9-10) does not mean you are sorrowing to repentance or believe the Gospel so it all works together if that makes sense. 🙂

     Relying on an ABC prayer or praying a certain prayer, that is not what saves. (Or following someone through the plan if salvation and humoring them by doing all they tell you)

    Real conversion comes from TRUE conviction: when the Holy Spirit convicts the heart, and we are left to respond in those three ways. (John 6:44)


   I want all my friends and family to be saved!

    I want them to know I love them and that at the end of time I did my best to try to be a witness to them.

SALVATION is truly wonderful! There is such liberty, victory, comfort and hope in Jesus Christ!

    If you aren't saved after reading this you realize maybe you were taught wrong, I would encourage you to be saved today!

(Romans 10:13) "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!"

    We know we have Salvation by 3 ways:

1. Our unconditional love God gives to us (John 13:35 I /John 2:5, 4:7-12)

2. We do not allow sin to have dominion over our lives or live in a constant lifestyle of sin.

(1 John 3:6/ 5:3,18-20/ Gal 5:24/Romans 6)

2. The Holy Spirit within us! (1 John 3:24 / 4:13 / Romans 8:9)

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