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Welcome to Family Truth Blog where we share our thoughts, devotionals, science lessons, and so much more from a conservative point of view from the Word of God concerning Biblical worldview, moral values, and simple Biblical truths. We welcome comments, shares, and prayers for our ministry and hope that our articles will bless your hearts and provide insight into our passion and vision in the ministry.

Jesus isn't everlasting?

Jesus isn't everlasting?

Jesus Everlasting like Father God?

Let There Be Light: What it means?

“But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me (God) that is to be ruler (Jesus) in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. Micah 5:2

        The book of Micah gave us an important prophecy or “prediction” about what will happen in the future letting us know that Jesus was going to be born in Bethlehem! He wrote this about 700 before Jesus came to earth!

        Wow! If you sat down right now and wrote out the largest world event that would happen in 700 years, and it actually come true, that chance is so rare, it is impossible! We would be guessing what would happen based upon the events of our present day, and what was going on. 700 years ago, there were no cars, trucks, roads, skyscrapers, or fast-food restaurants so how would you sit down in 1300 and write about the 2000’s?         Whoa! That would be so impossible wouldn’t it!?

        When the prophet Micah wrote about the Ruler coming to earth, he was moved by the Holy Spirit to write exactly what was to happen. Micah the prophet needed the Holy Spirit of God to tell him this! And he was not the only one that talked about Jesus coming to earth to save us! There were other prophecies too. King David talked about the Messiah coming and so did Isaiah!

        But Micah says something here that is especially important for everyone to note when it comes to creation and Jesus.

        It is very important that we know that Jesus is God. He is part of the Trinity which we will talk about in another lesson. He is not created like the angels, the world, the sky animals, and us.

Jesus is God, and he is everlasting like the Father God. Even though Jesus came to earth about 2000 years ago as a human baby he is still the Son of God. He did not start existing in the womb of Mary, he was existing in Heaven even before that! That’s what makes Jesus so very special!

        The disciple, John wrote in the first chapter that there wasn’t anything in the world that was made without Jesus.

        Isn’t that amazing that In the beginning Jesus was with God during creation? And John 1:1-3 tells us:

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.”

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Who is the Word?

Jesus is the Word! Not only was Jesus with God the Father but he also is God too. Nothing was made without Jesus. He created it all. Another verse in the Bible tells us that all things were made by him and for him!

        Later in the same chapter it explains who the Word is! The Word is Jesus because he took on human flesh and came down to earth to live among man, as a man to know what it was like down here. He wanted to feel hunger like we do, and feel pain, and know what it is like to live in man’s shoes. This is because he wants to be close to us. He wants to be acquainted with the same troubles we go through.

        This verse says that the Word was made flesh and was among men and they looked on his glory and saw he was the Son of God. He was sent to save us, but he also did something that no one else ever has done or will do.

        Because Jesus is God and became mankind to feel our pains and sorrows and understand what it was like to be human, he did not leave his perfect Godhood behind. He was God too! This means he did not make any mistakes, he never sinned once even though the devil tempted him with wrong. He chose right every single time!

        And we have eternal life through Jesus Christ. He is the one who gives us eternal life. It makes good sense that Jesus is everlasting. Isn’t that amazing?

        When God created Light on Day one. There was a theologian and philosopher from ancient times who thought that the light God made was Jesus. But there is a problem with that. Remember Jesus is EVERLASTING. Just like the Father God. He has no beginning and no end because Jesus is not matter that can be created. He is God and God is for ever and ever. A man named Tertulian who lived about 150-200 years after Jesus lived here on earth claimed that Jesus nativity or (beginning) began when God said let there be light. But there is a problem with this statement we now know it is false because of the scriptures.’

Jesus did not have a beginning. Jesus did not “get created” or “come into existence” because he is eternal. He said “Before Abraham was I am.” And to say I am it means I exist now, I existed then, and I exist always. Very powerful!


        If Jesus is not everlasting and eternal, he cannot give eternal life to us! If you don’t have something to give you cannot give it!

        If you walked into a shop and won a prize of all the donuts you could ever eat but the store did not have donuts that would not make sense would it? They would be lying to you by telling you they would give you a gift of forever donuts that they never had, and you would go away very sad!

        When Jesus promised he would give us eternal life. He has it to give! He said: “For I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish.” He also said “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

“Then, therefore, does the Word (Jesus) also Himself assume His own form and glorious garb, His own sound and vocal utterance, when God says, Let there be light. Genesis 1:3 This is the perfect nativity of the Word, when He proceeds forth from God . . . 1

I wanted to include this in a two part lesson for children. I would love thoughts if this is too complicated for children to understand!

  • o Tertullian, Chapter 7, Against Praxeas. Translated by Peter Holmes. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 3. Edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1885.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0317.htm.
  • o Answers In Genesis https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/days-without-sun-what-was-source-light/
  • o https://www.icr.org/article/20763
  • o Written by Janessa Shelton

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