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Infallible Proofs II.

The Power of an assembled message

What Sets the Bible Apart from Any Other Book?

4. Like an Orchestra!

        *We find phrases such as: “Thus saith the Lord” The Lord spake…saying” Or indicated they believed God spoke to them to tell the people something. The writers of the Bible claimed God said something or they were speaking for God! (one Bible researcher counted more than 3,800 times in the Bible!)

        In fact, Jesus himself in Mark 12:36 tells us that David in Psalm 110:1 was speaking by the Holy Ghost himself! That’s incredibly powerful!

All these men who were inspired by God to write the books of the Bible had to listen very closely to God and work together for one purpose without knowing all the others were being used to finish God’s Word!

        When we listen to an orchestra, we do not hear one instrument being played. We hear a lot more than that! We hear the entire work, and it all sounds so beautiful played in harmony doesn’t it?

        In the same way, an orchestra is not full of a lot of proud people who stand in the center stage and receive all the attention.

        We could look at God’s Word like a beautiful symphony, the message is so rich, beautiful, and complex, yet makes up a melody that is so powerful, it cannot be expressed by one instrument.

        And perhaps, God used many to write His Words because he did not want one man to be proud but rather to be a humble penman for His Work. But one thing is sure:

        God used many different writers to provide the harmony and contrast needed for such a message. Also, a symphony takes several movements to communicate the whole message! This shows our Creator thinks way beyond what man could ever dream!



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5. Holy Spirit Revealing:

        The neatest thing that sets the Bible apart from any other book, is that it is not a book anyone can simply read and know all that it says! The Bible is like a deep mine full of treasures that God decides to reveal to us when we need it.

        Since it was not created by man, and they were only the instrument that God used to obey Him (almost like in an orchestra everyone follows the director, and sheet music) It makes so much since that not one person will ever fully understand the entire Bible! This is because God is the author! And he knows everything!

        The Holy Spirit reveals His Word to his children: Many Christians will tell you that they can read the same thing in the Bible many times, and God uses it to speak to them in different ways or shows them something new!

        Truly! The Bible is full of mystery! We can never read it too many times, or too much!

        The lost world will certainly not understand God’s Word.

        In the book of Acts there is an account of Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples and a man from Ethiopia. Philip saw him in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah. When asked if he understood what he read, the man said: “How can I except some man should guide me?” Philip then stepped up into his chariot and explained Jesus to him!

        Many lost people have no idea how to read or understand the Bible and God can use us as his messengers or witnesses to help others to know God!

         All Scripture is “given by inspiration of God” just like II Timothy tells us. (theopneustos is the original Greek word meaning literally: God-breathed!) This is where the word inspired comes from! God, through the Holy Spirit inspired men to record his words so it has God’s Authority behind it and was given to us for doctrine, reproof, correction and for instruction in righteousness.

        God put our Bible together in ways like no other author, didn’t He? No other book could have been composed in such special ways and remain accurate without God being involved! So next time someone asks you, show them these lessons and tell them we can trust God’s Word! It has been proven by many infallible proofs.

        Being God’s Instrument:

        Just like the Holy men allowed God to move in their lives to write the Bible, we should be willing for God to use us. Just like an instrument in our hands has no control over what, when, and how it is played, we must be willing to allow God to do whatever he desires with our lives.

        Too often, we are stubborn and don’t want to go God’s way. We have our own way. And the Bible tells us that leads to destruction in death in many places. Our hearts desire should be to grow near and close to God and his Word and allow Him to direct our steps!

        We must use God’s Word to direct our lives. For the Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 that if we trust in the Lord with all our hearts, let God direct our paths in everything that we do, and we don’t lean on our own understanding, he promises to direct our paths!

        This is a big deal because sometimes the path of life can be so confusing, and we need God’s direction to show us the way that we should walk.

        To live daily obedient to God, is also a huge proof to others that the Bible really is the Word of God because it is seen lived out by our lives!

        Being sensitive to obey God and going to Him with broken heart of repentance when we mess up assures us confidence with God and allows our fellowship with God to be open and clear! This is important so that we are quick to respond to the prodding of the Holy Spirit inside of us as he directs us!


• God’s Word

• Special thanks to the Christian friend, pastors, and missionaries for their thoughts to the question: Why did God use multiple writers for the Bible many insights were used.

• https://answersingenesis.org/the-word-of-god/2-claims-of-divine-authorship/

• https://lifehopeandtruth.com/bible/holy-bible/who-wrote-the-bible/


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