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Numbers By Design!

Mathematics Introduction

Living Without Numbers:

        Have you considered how important math is and how much we use it every day?

If you baked for a living, imagine following a recipe without using numbers, or fractions! You could not measure. If you were wanting to repair your car, you would not know the size tool to use. If you wanted to build something, -you guessed it-! You could not measure anything without a measuring tape or number system!

        Order in our universe can be found by counting!



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Scientists Need Math!

        Scientists use mathematics all the time! Algebra (numbers and letters in equations), trigonometry (for triangles) as well as geometry (dealing with sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things.) fractions for measurements in the laboratory and so much more! They use math for statistics, experiments, and also to see if a fact is mathematically possible. They also use the scientific calculator.

        Without numbers, we would have no way to know the special amounts of minerals, vitamins, and chemicals it

would take to be able to create anything helpful to us.

        If you needed to take your vitamins, you would not know what you would need, how much, or how to measure! And no directions of how much you should take! That would be tragic!

        Changing God’s Design:

        Have you wondered why God took days to create everything when he could have spoken it into being in seconds? He had a reason for taking days: He began his creation with order beginning with the number system!

The book of Exodus tells us that the days of creation was a pattern God wanted us to follow: six days to work and the seventh to rest. God set up times, seasons, days, and years within our solar system to help us tell time and be organized.

         Why didn’t God create in nine days and rest on the tenth day? Why seven days in a week? Seven in the Bible is the number of being complete.

        After reading Darwin’s book about evolution, Joseph Stalin believed God did not exist. He was a leader of the Soviet Union, and on October 1st, 1929 he decided to change the calendar as we know it, to make man work harder and longer hours. This would also reinventing what the word “week” would mean to the people. This chaotic calendar for the Soviet Union was disastrous making men work for *9 or 10 days straight at times! (February into March)

         Working so many hours in a row, people were not able to function properly. Things began to get confusing, and it did not take long for the Soviet Union to realize that their new calendar “nepreryvka” was not a success. By 1940, the Soviet Union decided the seven-day week with six days of eight hours of work and a common day of rest was the best way after all. It became apparent that truly, God knows best! We learn about the importance of God’s order from this event in history!

Thankful for God’s Order:

 Our world cannot function without numbers and order.

Secular scientists claim humans evolved from apelike ancestors around two million years ago. But history shows we have only had an organized number system as early as 4 to 5,000 years ago!

It’s interesting that the Bible timeline shows God made man smart from the beginning about 6,000 years ago. The Bible explanation fits better with history! Man wandering around with no structure for almost 2 million years does not make sense at all.

Evolutionists refuse to recognize order and design in our universe. This is because they believe that everything began quite simple and basic, and overtime became more complex. This is not true at all, as we have no way of observing it.

In fact, Lawrence Krauss, an atheist, and theoretical physicist, in an interview with Christian, Ray Comfort, says that there is no purpose behind something being created, and the design we see in a snowflake or banana is simply an illusion of design and not purposeful design at all. This is sad.

“The illusion of purpose and design is perhaps the most pervasive illusion about nature that science has to confront on a daily basis.” -Lawrence Krauss:

As an introductory lesson to mathematics, from time, money, cooking, dressing, and even sleeping. We cannot do without the number system so let’s thank God for math and being able to learn about numbers and design so we can live smart and organized lives! In the lessons ahead, we will learn that number sequences make up special patterns in nature that we see, and also can be found within our Bibles!

Evolution cannot evolve all the order and number systems we need and use every day. Organized counting speaks of Creator God designing things from the beginning to be orderly and in a perfect pattern. Scientists can use numbers, from the measurement of our sun to the amazing order and positions of planets in our solar system!

We understand the importance of measurements, time, and how we use it for daily living!

The Bible talks about man’s days being numbered, and Job says God numbers his steps. Job also tells us that the number of God’s years can never be searched out! The Bible talks about not being able to number the clouds or the stars, nor can we count God’s wondrous works!

Psalm 90:12 says: “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

God wants us to redeem the time and be careful about what we do with this life that he has given us. He wants us to learn to count so that we can be in awe of Him. So, we can be responsible, and so that we can learn more about God.


• Darwin effected Stalin’s views https://www.icr.org/article/stalins-brutal-faith

• https://eyeondesign.aiga.org/a-failed-soviet-experiment-offers-a-warning-to-todays-burnout-generation/

• https://www.historytoday.com/archive/stalins-topsy-turvy-work-week

• Inspired Evidence Book Search for the Truth Ministries History April 28th Devotion.

• The number system secular estimated age agrees with Bible timeline: https://www.livescience.com/27853-who-invented-zero.html

• First Human: 2 MYA https://www.history.com/news/humans-evolution-neanderthals-denisovans#:~:text=The%20first%20humans%20emerged%20in,this%20long%20stretch%20of%20prehistory.

• Interview with Lawrence Krauss and Ray Comfort: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ31aMxZKYk 20.45 minutes


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