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Heavenly Pit

The World's Largest Sinkhole

            Xiaozhai Tiankeng:

            Imagine going on a hike, and all the sudden you stop at the site of a large mouth in the earth! It must have taken the breath of the explorers who found it!

            The Heavenly Pit is an amazing geological wonder of the world found in the Northern forest region of China. Known by its Chinese name, it holds so many secret mysteries and is currently the largest sinkhole in the world!

            Of course, you would most certainly want to go down into it wouldn’t you? Maybe catalogue all the wildlife and plants that lived there.

            The First Discovery:

            Although the first discovery had not been officially documented by the locals in China, its name was taken from the nearby abandoned village called: “Xiaozhai” or in English: “Little Village”. Undoubtedly, this little people group must have enjoyed this little paradise for hundreds of years!



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 Xiaozhai Tiankeng was discovered by specialists in 1994 during the search for a new exploration site for British cavers in the China Caves Project. This daring group lowered themselves into the hole by and began documenting the plants and animals that might be hiding watching at the curious sign of human’s first entrance in many years.

            It was quite a treat to find the reason for the Tiankeng! An underground river that ran into Difeng Cave (so deep it crossed over into another province!)

            Difeng cave was slowly created by this river flow through karst rocks. And they believe that at one time the Tiankeng was once a large empty cavern belonging the cave before it all collapsed and became its own ecosystem of wildlife.

            This is one big sinkhole! In Speleology, scientists call all sinkholes that are deeper or wider than 328 feet (100m) “tiankengs”.

            There are two types of tiankengs based upon how they were made. Erosion is the first, as rain and streams of water on the surface slowly travel down into the soil and gradually washes out a hole that grows overtime before the top collapses inward.

            Then we have the second type which they call “collapse tiankengs” Here we see a natural phenomenon. An underground river washing away and dissolving carbonate rocks, eating out a large, cavernous space, causing the sinkhole. The Heavenly Pit is categorized as a “collapse” tiankeng. Think of the water source of the wash out coming from below, rather than from above.

            Now A Tourist Attraction:

            It’s amazing that not everyone knows about the Xiaozhai Tiankeng. It is truly the largest “Karst Wonder” of all, and the locals hope to attract many visitors. Locals line the outskirts to sell their goods, whether walking sticks, or a ride back up from the long walk among other things.

            So, if you ever decided to go, make sure you wear your best grippy shoes! Narrow trails line the mouth of the sinkhole and damp slippery steps zigzag their way slowly downward. The winding path with many stairs totals to 2,800-steps where you are led to the mouth of the cave and underground river flowing through it!

Going down 2,100 feet into the shadowy, yet breath-taking mouth, reveals a whole new ecosystem teeming with undiscovered species of animals, plants, insects, and arachnids.

You’d have to watch out for the clouded leopard though, as rare as this leopard is, it was certainly a thrill to find them! The team that explored the area documented around 1,285 species of plants that all live in the sinkhole. It is as if the large hole is a world all its own! It is quite its own ecosystem!

            An Attracted Tourist:

            Vlogger and adventure enthusiast Matt was able to capture some astounding images of wildlife in Xiaozhai Tiankeng:

• A unique yellow and black striped spider with her babies,

• A very large Jumping Spider

• A species of Cellar spider that hops a little funny when their web is disturbed.

• A blue butterfly in the distance fluttering in front of the cave’s mouth.

He also captured a beautiful walking stick bug (Phasmatodea) that according to him was an orange color: Of the 3000 known species of stick insect, it would not be surprising if he spotted a rare one!

            He was also able to video briefly, some beautiful Parrot Balsams or “Parrot flower” in an unusual light pink hue in the sinkhole. The reason for their unusual name is that Botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker thought the flower looked like a flying cockatoo when looking at it from the side.

            Interestingly enough, the locals informed him that in 2003, there was an acrobat who stretches large cables all the way across the mouth of the Xiaozhai Tiankeng! Talk about daring entertainment!

            The Heavenly Pit is a perfect reminder of God’s transformation that he does within our rock-hard hearts!

            Just like karst rocks can be washed away exposing a hole in the ground, the Bible is like a hammer that breaks the rocks away and exposes us for what we are. Broken, dark, and in sin with a huge hole in our lives.

            When you think about how an underwater river was eating away at the rocks under the surface where no one could see for a long time, it reminds you that sometimes people don’t come to the Lord as soon as they hear about Him. Sometimes it takes a lot of different times for them to hear about God’s love and Salvation for them to slowly soften up to the idea that they need God.

            Then, the dark cavernous space suddenly bursting into light and new wildlife. What a perfect symbol that is when you think about how God can take someone living in darkness and despair and can move into their heart and create something bright, new, and full of Sonshine! It makes you think about the amazing transformation of the human heart!

            When God’s light hits the surface of our hearts, it changes us into a whole new creature of light and love! Jesus changed everything! And we will never be in darkness ever again but have the Light of life!

            Yes! Sinkholes are a perfect illustration of what God can do in our hearts. Just like the Heavenly Pit is a perfect place to witness: “from darkness into His Glorious Light!”


• The Xiaozhai Tiankeng Sinkhole en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaozhai_Tiankeng

• fun videos to watch: youtube.com/watch?v=jkw0URB_iSU (YouTube video about the sinkhole)

• www.iflscience.com/environment/a-vast-sinkhole-in-china-has-revealed-an-awesome-discovery/

• china.org.cn/travel/2015-10/15/content_36815159.htm

• https://www.wondermondo.com/xiaozhai-tiankeng/

• https://www.wondermondo.com/largest-sinkholes-of-the-world/

• 2 types of tiankengs: speleogenesis.com/resources/journal/issues-2003-2012/issue-9-2006/617-tiankengs-in-the-karst-of-china.html

Alex Absolute photography credit

Matt Galat Photography credit


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