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Walking On Water

The Basilisk Lizard

    If you could go to the tropical rainforests of Panama -or even as far south as Ecuador- you would see something with your eyes you would not believe was possible!
Maybe you have never heard of the Basilisk Lizard, and that’s okay. Not many people know about it, but if you are crazy about nature and creation, you know this little animal is definitely a huge witness to the Creator’s amazing design!

When the enemy comes sneaking by:

You would think the presence of a snake would make anyone run for cover! (or at least cause you to make some sort of startled gesture: A scream perhaps!) But when it comes to the Basilisk Lizard, if we watched in the bushes, unseen from the lizard’s view, it does something that not

even humans can do when startled. To protect itself, the Basilisk will run on its hind legs across the top of the water for a good 15 to 20 feet at a very high speed of 5 feet in only 1 single second! Look at this little guy go! 
Their largest accomplishment in life must be that they can walk across the surface of the water!
Wouldn’t you want to do that!? I would!

How can the Basilisk Lizard run across the water like that!?

    The secret lies on the long toes on their back feet. On the sides of the third, fourth and fifth, toes, you would see tiny fringes of skin flaring out across the water that creates tiny air pockets preventing them from sinking. When on land, the lizard can close the flaps against its toes but as soon as it senses danger it jumps into the water opening its



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The fossils scientists claim are 48 Million years old have been unchanged showing no evolution they claim to have happened. It looks like a now day Basilisk Lizard!

    Although this little lizard is also an excellent swimmer, the resemblance of its actions was instantaneously accredited to its Creator! This little green reptile is renowned for its designated title: the Jesus Christ Lizard or Jesus Lizard.

The Basilisk lizard declares the wonderful message that the Creator exists, but the truth is, nature alone cannot lead people to Jesus. There are lots of people trying to figure out who or what the Creator is that deserves their worship and worship a lot of the wrong things.

Never leave nature alone to proclaim the truth of Creation!

When people watch our walk of life, do we remind them of Jesus too?

We should be good examples pointing people to Jesus by the way that we act.

In short, we can reflect our Creator by how we maintain our Christian conversation, publicize the truth, and teach the next generation.


1 https://www.icr.org/article/jesus-lizard-runs-water-tramples-evolution 

2  https://answersingenesis.org/creation-science/baraminology/initial-estimation-numbers-and-identification-of-order-squamata/ 

3. Inspired Evidence Search For The Truth Ministries 

4. Original Article by Janessa Cooper https://creationsciencehalloffame.org/blog-post/basilisk-lizard-identity-thief 

5. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/g/green-basilisk-lizard/#:~:text=Green%20basilisks%20are%20omnivores%2C%20surviving,amazing%20lizards%20on%20their%20toes. 

6. https://www.britannica.com/animal/basilisk-lizard

7. https://creation.com/water-walking-lizard

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