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Cell City! Part I.


The largest assumption:

          In the 1800s, when evolution was getting popular across England and Germany, it was widely thought a single cell was simple with no intricate parts or different functions.

          A cell is microscopic, so it was no surprise, since they did not have the advanced microscopes, we have today. Darwin thought the human cell was not significant: only a tiny blob of gunk. Ernst Haeckel, who pushed evolution into Germany, said that a cell was a “simple lump” that was made up of “carbon”.

          But this was untrue. Because of this lack of knowledge, it seemed easy that a tiny blob of gunk could morph into whatever it wanted from a single cell to bacteria, fish, or land animals. Why couldn't it slowly change forms over millions and millions of years? It was easy to throw around a lot of ideas, but now we know that evolution isn’t the answer. Even though, many secular scientists today still try to push that belief on people.

          A car has one purpose: To take us where we need to go. It sounds simple, but a lot of functions must take place to make that happen. To look at a vehicle from the sky, we would never guess all the thousands of tiny parts must work specifically with different jobs.


You would never guess it had so many parts just under the hood!


          Looking at this too closely will make us go WOW! There are literally thousands of parts!

          In fact, One Toyota car has 30,000 pieces altogether!

Looking at it from the outside, it surely doesn't look that complicated, does it?

 Wouldn’t it be crazy to think the motor evolved to work smoothly and propel a heavy object forward?            Yes! Everyone knows a genius made that fully functional engine! It did not evolve by itself!

          Each part of an automobile must be installed properly in the right position for it to function. If the engine never turns over and starts, it becomes useless to society. If a cell doesn't function properly, it becomes dead and useless!


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            If one tiny part messes up, the whole engine is at risk! If a car is made up of 30,000 parts, how many atoms are in one cell?

          You will not believe it! 1 cell has about 100 trillion atoms!

          The neatest thing about this number is the number of cells in the human body is about the same as the number of atoms in 1 human cell!

         So, humans have 100 trillion cells with each cell having 100 trillion atoms! That's amazing! That is our God. Not evolution at all!

        Miniature Cities:

        Remember in the 1800s scientists did not have the slightest idea how organized, complex, and master-minded a cell is! They could only see the cell wall, cytoplasm, and nucleus. It wasn't until more advanced microscopes were invented that we could peer deeply within a cell. And guess what scientists found!? A Micro City!

That's one very busy cell! Darwin never knew this activity was all functioning inside one tiny, microscopic cell.

          Just like a city takes planning and organizing, so too, our not-so-simple cells must have and desperately needs an Organizer. That planner and organizer is God. He made sure that each part was present and working from the beginning.

         As you can see, there are so many pieces inside the atom that do different things! Zooming up on each one, they have more inside! It's crazy to think that all of this could evolve. In fact, it is totally impossible for a motor to evolve pieces of itself and run successfully. This is the same for the cell. It cannot function without all its pieces all created at one time to function all at the same time. It's an all or nothing system. If it is missing 1 part, it will not work. So, evolution cannot work. Yes. It's that simple.

            As parts to an engine or parts to the cell must function correctly to work, the church runs on lots of parts! Each member works as one big whole to get out the gospel message and grow people in the Word.

            Each tiny piece works together so it’s not about bragging on a specific part, but rather that everyone does their part, so the job gets done.

            The church needs more than teachers, pastors, and missionaries! They need children’s workers, nursery workers, cleaners, cooks, organizers, secretaries, stage organizers, audio and visual teams, singers, instrumentalists, editors, graphics designers, drivers, people who visit others, and people who witness. It’s a lot of working pieces to make the church a successful place wouldn’t you agree?

            How do you think your abilities and talents could be used in the church?

            This would be a great question to ask your parents and your pastor.

            A lot of reasons many jobs in the church are left without a willing servant, is because it is thought insignificant (without glory and notice, or too small to matter) whether trimming bushes, or watering plants, taking out the garbage, sweeping the floor, or replacing old decorations, many think it is not worth the time.

Sometimes we get carried away looking at other people and what we think are very important jobs and wish we were them. Or look at the person taking out the trash and wishing they did more important things.

            The Bible talks about this, how the hand and the foot the ear, the eye and the nose are all tiny pieces that make up the human body and do very important things. In fact, it says the tiniest members in the human body are the most important of all!

            No matter how old you are, you are needed in your church for a specific thing, to be friends with a neighbor boy or girl, to help the elderly when they drop something, to listen closely in class or help the teacher. All these things please God very much.

            When we serve in the church faithfully with joy, we are not serving to be noticed or to please man. But keep in mind, that it is never a bad thing to seek out someone in the church who does something they don’t think people notice and thank them for helping the church run smoothly. You’ll probably make them smile and they will never forget every time they are serving in that tiny area in the church that there’s someone who attends that really appreciates all the little things that they do. For praise goes a long way. Doesn’t it?

            May we desire serve in the church and make a difference where we are needed.


  • • https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/fact-sheets/Deoxyribonucleic-Acid-Fact-Sheet DNA’s Make-up
  • • https://www.ashg.org/discover-genetics/building-blocks/
  • • Author credit: Jay Auxt. And Janessa Shelton
  • https://evolutionnews.org/2013/06/did_scientists_/ (quotes about Haeckel) etc.
  • http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?pageseq=41&itemID=A604&viewtype=side
  • Search For The Truth Ministries Credit for their books: "Inspired Evidence" and "A Closer Look at the Evidence"
  • https://www.icr.org/article/what-it-takes-to-make-a-cell-the-stairway-to-life
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