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Welcome to Family Truth Blog where we share our thoughts, devotionals, science lessons, and so much more from a conservative point of view from the Word of God concerning Biblical worldview, moral values, and simple Biblical truths. We welcome comments, shares, and prayers for our ministry and hope that our articles will bless your hearts and provide insight into our passion and vision in the ministry.

Looking Ahead:

Looking Ahead:


    Can you believe it is already 2021? Who would think that we would ever see the 21st century right?

    In this day and age there is a ton of information we can pull from an innumerable amount of sources, whether books, internet, or television apps, using our phones for all of this sure can be helpful.

    But it is so hard to determine the truth from the lies isn't it?

    As parents, teachers, pastors, and leaders in the community, our children rely on us to stay informed, to be knowledgeable about things they do not know and in the matter of apologetics I would say it was probably something that I found parents rarely knew how to help.

    When your child comes home and announces that he learned that mankind evolved from ape-like ancestry, one parent told me she knew it was not Bible but shrugged and said she didn't know how to start telling her son that was incorrect so she was troubled for months as he delved further and further into evolution and had nothing solid to guide her son back to the Bible that he could read, watch, or learn for himself!

    Maybe many won't see the need for what we are doing, but let me tell you, we have traveled and seen this great need! 

    We pray by spring 2021 we will have enough materials online and continue to build a massive collection of kid-based science articles, videos, lessons, audio clips and more that helps you the parent, gear up your child in the way that they should go when it comes to the right worldview!

    We will keep you all updated through this blog where we are at and what is newly released. So make sure you check the blog often!

    God bless you in your endeavor to teach, reach and declare the truth to your family, church and community!

    In Christ: Chris and Janessa Shelton

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