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    A Crazy Shape!

            The amazing storms of Saturn were quite a surprise to scientists. Huge storms!? Is this nuts?

            Come to find out, Saturn has a large crazy hexagonal shaped storm at its north pole region that is a glory to behold!

            Why is the storm not becoming a circle after going from the 1980s all the way in to the 2000s? It is truly a mystery!

            Scientist looked on in shock how could the storm be in a perfect hexagon? And for so long without turning into a perfect circle? Or why not seven or five corners? How is it perfect? Whatever is driving a perfect hexagon in the swirling storm is jaw dropping. Could it be that even the hand of God can create design in the storms?

God said he controls the whirlwind and what science could not explain, God seems to tell us that he has his way in the storms. And for some reason, a storm that is in a hexagon, one would think this is completely impossible. But the images from the space probe is sending us an interesting and marveling fascination!

            This storm is ginormous to the point scientists call the storm: The Great White Spot! (Because of how it appears)



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           This is pretty unbelievable for a planet they deemed to be billions of years old to have huge polar storms stuck in swirling motion that cause such damage! How could there be any planet left?! This would be interesting to look into, wouldn’t it?

            The eye of the storm is about 50 times larger than the average earth hurricane, with winds measured over a 5-hour time scale and estimated at around 340 MPH! That’s four times stronger than an earth hurricane as hurricane!

            The clouds toward the center spin rapidly counterclockwise with the storm almost twice as fast as Saturn itself!

The earth’s hurricanes develop over earth’s warmer oceans. In this case, there is no ocean below on Saturn, so it cannot scientifically be labeled a hurricane, but this hyper-cyclone is pretty impressive!

            NASA’s space probes have located and recorded two hurricanes on Saturn the stronger one being at the North pole and the weaker at the south and are locked into their poles unable to drift around as the earth’s hurricanes do.

            The storm was captured by NASA’s space probe Cassini. NASA’s which spent 20 years in space, 13 of which was going around and around Saturn taking images, measurements and being very helpful to NASA. It was a sad end to a probe everyone admired for its faithful work as it unexpectedly slammed into the planet to its demise.             

            However, the images, and statistics it gave scientists to the planet was very helpful, and surprising as it shown Saturn to be much younger than scientists could ever imagine!

            When storms happen, you think of lightning don’t you? And Saturn’s storms certainly are accompanied by loud lightning!

            Saturn doesn’t have the worst storms however, there are other planets out there that can contain storms over 1000 mph! So, no one could ever possibly live there!

            After reading about a storm that large I am so very thankful that we do not have storms that big on the Earth! Aren’t you?

            When we see the hexagon-shaped storm, it shows amazing order and design. As one scientists said, it looks like a piece of artwork hanging in the sky. Every artwork has an artist! And every trial that you face is allowed by God for a special reason! God does everything on purpose. There is never an “oops” with God. Remember this: that God makes all things work together for good to all of us who love him and called to his special purpose.

            God uses nature in many ways to help us understand spiritual things.

            Have you heard someone say they are going through a storm? Most times, they are talking about going through a really bad time, like a trial, or situation that is hard to go through. These types of storms come in all shapes and sizes.

            It’s not about what you are going through or where you are, but how you come through that wilderness and storm.

            Do you love God? If yes, then God promises us no matter what happens to us that he will use it for His good! He will strengthen you through it, and you can really help someone else down the road going through the same storm!

            You won’t always know why you are going through a storm. Especially when you are in the middle of it. It may be five, ten, or twenty years down the road when you look back and say: “Oh! That’s why I went through that!”

God is accomplishing something big through our storms.

            Remember, God never causes evil on man. He can’t look upon evil. Ever. God never causes sinful trauma to anyone, that is because of the curse of sin, and evil men, but God does allow everything that happens to us for a very special purpose.

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            When bad times come, stay in your Bible, and read. Don’t stop. Continue to pray even though you may not understand and share your heart with the Lord. He understands when you are sad, angry, confused, or anxious. He wants us to tell him how we feel and run to him for help.

            It is always good to find a strong Christian friend to encourage and help you stand strong through the storms that come your way! This could be your teacher, parents, pastor, even your best friend.

            Whenever you go through a storm, and all of us do, remember this lesson.

            Just like Jesus went through the cross, he knew that on the other side was eternal life for you and me! It was not fair that Jesus died for our sins. He was perfect, God’s Son and sinless, and yet he was tortured for you and for me!

            God the Father let it happen because he knew it would gain eternal life that would be available to all men everywhere who would put their trust in Jesus! That was worth it all to Jesus: to go through whatever it took to bring us closer to God.

            Are you willing to go through anything for the cause of Christ, so that God can use your life to bring others close to Jesus? Think about that for a moment.

            Another person who went through a storm was the disciples! Remember when a storm came up and they were scared to death and Jesus came to them walking on the water and told the storm peace be still and the calm made everyone in the boat realize Jesus was truly God?

            Sometimes Jesus wants us to remember who he is and that he can calm our storms too.

Moral Value: Handling Trials


• https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/10/201006165740.htm

• https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/cassini/science/saturn/#:~:text=Cassini%20scientists%20found%20that%20Saturn's,kilometers)%20below%20the%20cloud%20tops.

• https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/cassini/science/saturn/

• https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/cassini/science/saturn/hexagon-in-motion/#:~:text=Scientists%20can%20see%20the%20motion,Saturn%20hurricane%20is%20at%20PIA14947.)

• All NASA images are used for educational purposes only for educational use and is given rights for the use of teaching and textbook forms. All images are sole property and Copyright of NASA.gov. Our works obtain no endorsement nor are affiliates with NASA.


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