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Surviving Space

The dangerous Hazards of the cosmos

Let’s Go To Outer Space!

            Have you ever wondered what space was like if you got sucked out of a space shuttle without your spacesuit or oxygen? It’s not the same as a swimming pool where you can hold your breath and look under the water for a short period of time before coming up for air!

            If you ever got launched into space on accident- a good reminder is don’t gasp in a big breath! Let your breath out as far as you can to prevent what will happen. Then you might have 15 short seconds to experience space before losing consciousness. However, it would not be a pretty picture if you were in space without protective gear for a length of time.



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No Pressure:

            There is no pressure in outer space, you would feel all the air rush out of you, almost like a vacuum sucked it out! Because air expands, it would tear through your lung tissues, and it would only take about 15 seconds for all your oxygen in your blood to be gone that goes to your brain! Without the oxygen in your blood flow, as soon as that blood reached your brain, it would cause you to pass out and you would not be able experience space at all! Not too fun for sure!

            If that isn’t bad enough, with no pressure in outer space, it would affect the boiling point causing your saliva to boil off your tongue and all the liquids in your blood would also start to boil! That alone would block your blood from accessing your vital organs, like your kidneys, your heart, and if those boiling bubbles pass to your heart, then you would have a heart attack!

            Some of your capillaries would burst because of the bubbling as well, so you would probably bruise badly too! Doesn’t sound like fun, does it? Especially if you took on the look of “Mr. Puffer Fish!” 


The boiling level would turn to gas and cause your skin to painfully swell up! NASA confirmed that you might not burst at the swelling, but it would certainly hurt to become that puffy!

            In 1965, when scientists did an experiment with 100 dogs that were put in an environment like space, they instantly found them going to the bathroom! Oops! That vacuum suction does more than suck the air out! Losing control of your bowel system is not something you want to experience either!

            There’s also, a huge chance of getting a sunburn fast since temperatures are around 250 degrees Fahrenheit. If you survived a very short time in space and was rescued, the harmful UV light, gamma rays, and x-rays would also terribly affect your cells, enhancing the chance of cancer and radiation poisoning later on!

            If you were not drifting where the sun is, then you would shoot into minus 440 degrees in the shade! (According to NASA, you wouldn’t necessarily die from freezing, because since there is no pressure your body warmth would not escape your body like it does on earth.) Your muscles would still put off heat for your body.) You might be able to live up to 1 solid minute in space, but you would not be conscious, functioning enough to enjoy it, or experience the beauty of sounds, smells, and view!

            Living in the flesh:

            This world as Christians is not our home and when we talk about the life hazards of outer space and how dangerous it is to be exposed to the atmosphere without having the right gear, it is equally as important to be suited up with God’s Armor. This is because we are exposed to the sinful society of today that is equally destructive! This environment wants to suck out anything good, bring out the bad in us, and cause us to displease the Lord by tempting us to sin.

            We cannot live in outer space with any part of our flesh exposed! And we cannot live pleasing to the Lord and live in the flesh without the armor of God.

            Whenever we let our emotions and feelings drive us to make decisions or controls are actions, we end up doing what we shouldn’t like:

• Behaving badly

• Listening to bad things

• Watching bad things

• Complaining, muttering, speaking evil of someone,

• Going to all the wrong places just seeking a thrill,

• Carrying ourselves in a way that does not honor God.

                These are called “works of the flesh” and Paul writes to the Galatians that the flesh desires to be over the Holy Spirit and to be on the throne of our hearts instead of God. Have you ever been selfish and wanted what you wanted? Or felt very upset about something and acted and said things you regretted?             As a Christian, we tend to this when we are not walking with God on purpose.

            We walk with God by putting on the armor of God like the spacesuit! It may seem like you are having the time of your life living however you want, but when evil has sucked the life out of you, and sin has drained you of all joy, never be too stubborn to admit you need to get right with God and get your space suit (armor of God) on!

            The Helmet of Salvation…

            The Bible talks about the hope of salvation being our helmet, it is like an anchor sure and steadfast. This means we can be secure in our Salvation through Jesus!

            The helmet represents the confidence or “hope” we have in God that he saved us. We are conquerors and have God’s power to win the battle! Knowing this helps us as we live our Christian Life!

            A Roman style war helmet was made of metal in those days that was very solid. This is a great symbol of being of a sound mind about our Salvation. Making sure we are saved is a big deal. If Satan can get us to doubt our salvation, we will live in fear wondering if we are saved and will not be confident in other areas in our Christian lives.

            Fully trusting God saved us, secures our mindset. We cannot have the shield of faith, belt of truth, hold up the breastplate of righteousness, wear shoes of the gospel of peace, and especially cannot be confident wielding the Sword of the Holy Spirit if we are doubting our Salvation!

            Make sure that you have the helmet of salvation. And if you do, rejoice in that! Nothing or no one can take that from you!

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Moral Value: Confidence in Salvation, Walking in the Spirit.


• https://journals.physiology.org/doi/pdf/10.1152/jappl.1968.25.3.230

• https://www.businessinsider.com/what-happens-to-a-human-body-in-space-2015-3

• https://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/ask_astro/space_travel.html


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Astronomy 2.1 Surviving Space

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