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Ape/Man DNA: Are they really similar?

DNA Differences, junk DNA etc.

     Is Human DNA identical to Chimps?

          No, not at all, and we will discuss why, but that is what we are told, isn't it? Is this accurate information? We will discuss this in detail.

          Have you ever heard that man and apes share 98-99% genetic similarities? You've no doubt heard this in documentaries, read it in textbooks, and it's commonly promoted as a wow factor. But let's discuss if this is true!

          Why is it that people think and publish this idea?         

          First, we will back up and talk about why this is being told and why it is important to so many:

          Evolutionary charts display the concept that animals are interwoven and related in some way to one another, and evolved all the species and kinds that we have today proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829.)

          Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace published their views in Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species.” And that is when the basis for evolution gained fast popularity.

        Darwin and Wallace concluded and promoted the concept that humans shared a common ancestor in the past with apes. This was based on their personal observation of the similarities they thought were present. As a result, scientists were taught man evolved from and are animal as a matter of fact, with no actual evidence.

        It is now commonly taught that 10 to 12 MYA (Million years ago,) mankind and apes split two ways from an LCA (Last Common Ancestor.)

        This false concept led scientists to the Human Genome Project to compare DNA with that of chimps to see if this assumption was correct. Their research showed a 98% DNA match! Bill Nye helped popularize this concept in his book saying:

        As our understanding of DNA has increased; we have come to understand that we share around 98.8 percent of our gene sequence with chimpanzees. This is striking evidence for chimps and chumps to have a common ancestor.”



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     Problem with the DNA model:

          The problem with their claim is that they never came close to comparing all of our DNA to a chimp’s only 1-2% of our entire genetic DNA to that of a chimp and it seemed out of that 1-2% that 98% of that matched to chimps.

          Their research did not match what they are widely proclaiming!

          Scientists fail to include information concerning how they compared and what they compared! They singled out only the “genes” portion of our DNA and picked those special pieces to compare because they knew beforehand that it would promote that humans and apes had the same DNA and ignored the actual data that showed all the ways chimps and humans were nothing alike!


    Was ape to man DNA comparison based off dishonest data?

          We could say that scientists were very pick-and-choose with their comparisons because they were trying to prove a concept that had no evidence at first. That is not real science. Real science is a process. We observe evidence first, and then go about trying to prove what we observe with evidence. That is not what happened here.

        They were carried away trying to prove a point that did not have evidence, that it caused them to compromise their work, and make wrongful assumptions all in order to desperately provide evidence without a thorough investigation of comparing all the data and showing all their work.

        The truth: the overall data, taking the entire genome and comparing it could easily show as low as 60-70% alike!

        Why did not scientists only look at the 1-2% of DNA? Because they were taught that the rest of the DNA was junk DNA leftover from evolution! They were convinced that this junk DNA was useless and non-informational! But actually, this also is wrong and they are finding that there is no junk DNA! This also is important against the idea of evolutionism, which when they researched they did not realize!

        So we can safely conclude that human and chimp DNA is only about 72% similar. Several geneticists have obviously looked at this data, and there are those who think once all the data is in that the percentage will eventually drop below 72%! In fact, Dr. Richard Buggs (geneticist at the University of Florida) says:

“I predict that when we have a reliable, complete chimpanzee genome, the overall similarity of the human genome will prove to be close to 70% (and very far from 99%).”

   What does lack of Junk DNA mean?

        Additionally, we need to clarify why scientists thought that humans had a lot of junk DNA, to begin with! 

        So evolution teaches billions of years of evolution. Evolution is claimed to happen when mutations happen, but a mutation is a corruption in the DNA, and could never create a new kind of animal. But scientists thought maybe there was a chance that it could. This probability is less than 99% chance, and would take billions and billions more years if it could happen than the evolution time scale allows!

        Because these corrupt mutations in the DNA go from species to species, that is what caused scientists to think that humans, which are at the top of the chart of evolving, would contain a ton of bad or corrupt 'junk' DNA that would be useless to compare to a chimp.

        But once again, junk DNA was assumed because also it was assumed that humans evolved from so so many creatures over millions and millions of years that it was impossible for humans to have a lot of good DNA. However, scientists have recently discovered that humans have very tiny amounts of 'junk' DNA and that there wasn't any evidence of a bunch of leftover junk DNA from mutations after all! This tells us that one, we didn't evolve from creatures, and two, we don't have enough mutations to prove that we came from creatures millions of years of evolution! Wow! That's incredible that there wasn't junk DNA at all, but rather, scientists simply didn't know what the rest of the DNA does, or functions! Now we know a lot more and realize that the supposed junk DNA has important functions after all!

Why Are Some Scientists Dishonest?


        Think about it: 70-85% does not give scientists enough evidence they need to prove that man is related to chimps at all. If this is the case, mankind is more closely related to the banana! And most animals share this closeness in percentage is not even related according to evolution directly to chimps!             So there’s a problem. Every living organism in the whole world has DNA building blocks that are similar. They need this 98-99% to sound believable and they simply are not.

        Secular scientists twist evidence for the public to accept their views. This is not providing things honestly, and if it is not on purpose, it is because they were taught the rest of the DNA was junk and not worth comparing, but this ended up false! Oops!

          When a scientist does not fully tell the truth, who is to hold that person accountable? The answer is most certainly still God who judges all things, but today, there are few who can hold the scientific community accountable to any truth, and many who go against the evolution belief are fired from their positions, or not accepted as a secular scientists' community.

        Evolutionism has no moral code or standard to hold accountable to the truth. They refuse to believe in God's laws and believe they are animals. When sin is committed, they excuse themselves by saying it was their “animal-like tendencies” or mistakes/oversights instead of noting their sinful behavior and that they need a Savior.

         Many people trust the scientific community, to tell the truth. But sometimes computers can be preset with assuming data that is an incorrect, or misguided math equation. A simple assumption can lead down a wrong path that leads to another, and then the true real data is compromised and becomes a lie.

        In life, we can be as guilty. It’s hard to tell the truth. Sometimes, the only person knowing whether or not we are telling the truth is God and ourselves.

        As followers of Jesus Christ, we are committed to truth. We must always be honest. We will stand before God to answer for all our actions! We are, to tell the truth, and display the truth always. We need to be honest with everything that we do and never deceive people with the purpose to draw them to believe a lie.

        Whether writing, talking, or how we behave, we should always lead people to the truth.

        Ananias and Saphira are good examples when it comes to exposing the entire truth, and not being deceptive, and also a prime example that our actions will have consequences. When we are deceitful, we are lying before God, who will hold us accountable.


• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_evolutionary_thought

• https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2019.00022

• What makes us human quote 3https://www.genome.gov/15515096/2005-release-new-genome-comparison-finds-chimps-humans-very-similar-at-dna-level

• https://www.icr.org/article/new-book-debunks-human-chimp-similarity

• Tomkins, J. 2009. Human-Chimp Similarities: Common Ancestry or Flawed Research? Acts & Facts. 38 (6): 12.

• Bill Nye 2014 Book “Undeniable” p. 248.

• https://evolutionnews.org/2021/10/human-chimp-similarity-what-is-it-and-what-does-it-mean/

• https://blog.drwile.com/99-95-87-70-how-similar-is-the-human-genome-to-the-chimpanzee-genome/

• https://www.icr.org/article/new-book-debunks-human-chimp-similarity

• https://www.icr.org/article/human-chimp-similarities-common-ancestry/

• https://www.businessinsider.com/comparing-genetic-similarity-between-humans-and-other-things-2016-5#domesticated-cattle-share-about-80-of-their-genes-with-humans-according-to-a-2009-report-in-the-journal-science-5

• https://www.genengnews.com/news/human-and-chimp-brains-differ-in-non-coding-regulatory-dna/

• https://evolutionnews.org/2010/04/recent_genetic_research_shows

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